Mon - Sat: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Tuesday til 7 PM. Closed Sunday
Let’s Go Birding
We strive to get you into different habitats to experience a variety of species not found at home.
The Los Gatos Birdwatcher hosts Saturday morning bird walks each month. These walks are free and open to all birding levels. Call 408-358-9453 to register as capacity is limited and pre-registration is required. Walks start at 8:30 AM and end at 10:00 AM.
Nov. 20, 2021. Santa Clara Valley Water District Headquarters
Nov. 27, 2021 Coyote Valley, South San Jose
There are no bird walks scheduled in December
Jan. 8, 2022 To Be Announced
These free workshops help customers learn how to identify various species of birds found in the Bay Area. Workshops take place at the Los Gatos Birdwatcher. We review 4 species per class, their behaviors, food and habitat preferences, vocalizations and more. We ask that you bring your own folding chair and field guide with you. Call the store to save your spot. 408-358-9453. Check back for classes in 2022
Beginning Birding Class Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021. 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
New to Birding? Here is the class for you with Instructor Lisa Myers In the last year, many people have picked up binoculars and have started enjoying the birds they find in their neighborhoods or local parks. This class will review how to ID birds in the field, how birds get grouped together, how to find birds, how habitat and seasons affect birding, and how to attract birds to your yard. This fun class is geared for those new to birding and takes place entirely outside. Call the store to register 408-358-9453. $35 per person
Our January 2022 tour to South Texas is currently full. Please call the store to be added to the waitlist. A birder’s paradise at any time of the year, we’ll enjoy the array of resident birds found in South Texas in addition to the abundance of wintering shorebirds and waterfowl. We will also experience wintering Whooping Cranes. For more information email:
Lisa Myers, a south Bay Area California native, has been watching and studying birds since childhood. She channeled her love of birding into Let’s Go Birding — designing fun, friendly tours and classes for folks eager to learn about birds.